a WARM-SEASON GRASS that spreads quickly and thrives in areas with moderate temperatures, kikuyugrass can tolerate heat and will do well under relatively shady conditions. Because of its extremely vigorous growth habit, it is considered to be a weed in coastal and some inland areas of California. It has a low disease incidence and is susceptible to cold, but is able to recover quickly from moderate wear or severe injury.
• Thick, dense and extremely aggressive turf prevents weeds from establishing
• Highly drought-resistant
• Requires little or no fertilizer
• Retains its green color better than Bermuda
• Can be cut fairly low and is therefore good for chipping areas around the green
• So aggressive its growth can sometimes get out of hand. It can therefore spread into areas for which it was not intended, such as greens and bunkers
• Daily mowing is required
• Prone to thatch
• Not at all tolerant of the cold
• Pale-green color is slightly less appealing than the dark green of other varieties
Grass Index
Bentgrass |
Bermudagrass |
Carpetgrass |
Fine Fescue |
Kentucky Bluegrass |
Kikuyugrass |
Paspalum |
Perennial Ryegrass |
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