Marleh Lehmann’s sister, Mady
Marleh Lehmann, the 20-year-old daughter of Mike Lehmann, the Sussex, Wis. course’s Director of Golf, was killed in January 2021 by a wrong-way driver who had dementia. In her honor, the Lehmann family has launched a new clothing line branded “No Worries. None.” The name comes from how Marleh would typically respond to any problem or issue she encountered, and profits from sale of the apparel will be put towards scholarships for students who demonstrate similar positive qualities.
Ironwood Golf Course in Sussex, Wis. is known for being one of the top courses in the state for hosting charitable events, WTMJ NBC 4 in Milwaukee reported. Now the family of Ironwood’s Director of Golf, Mike Lehmann, is being lifted by community support and generosity, after Marlehna “Marleh” Lehmann, the 20-year-old daughter of Mike and his wife Margo, was killed in late January by a wrong-way driver who had dementia.
Along with their daughter, Mady, the Lehmanns have launched a new clothing line branded “No Worries. None.” The name comes from how Marleh, who was entering her junior year at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater when she was killed, would typically respond to any problem or issue that she encountered, the family told WTMJ.
All profits from the sale of the apparel will be put towards scholarships for students who demonstrate similar positive qualities.
“We’ve been in restaurants and driving down the street and we see the decals [for the clothing brand],” Margo Lehmann told WTMJ. “Marleh’s love has been spread, everywhere. And that’s what heals my heart.”

Marleh Lehmann
Mady Lehmann recalls a sister who loved all, WTMJ reported. “She, especially, was good friends with people with special needs, and that was something that I really looked up to,” she said. “People who didn’t have a lot of friends, she would always try to include people.”
“Turn pain into purpose,” Mady Lehmann added. “I definitely think that my family has done that. It’s really meant a lot. The community outreach has been unbelievable.”
Margo Lehmann also hopes the launch of the clothing line will also help raise awareness of the dangers posed when those with dementia still drive, WTMJ reported.
“Wrong way drivers are up 230 percent,” she said. “I can’t tell you how many times when I’m driving, those digital signs that hang over an overpass are showing ‘silver alert, silver alert.’ All the time. Which means, somebody’s out there driving lost.
“If you have elder parents, aunts and uncles, friends, that have dementia, as hard as it is, take the keys away,” she added. “My daughter would still be alive if somebody would have taken the keys away from that man.”
Margo also lost her chief cheerleader as she has battled a non-curable form of cancer, WTMJ reported.
“The last eight years have been a struggle health-wise,” she said. “Marleh was always one of my biggest supporters. We celebrate my cancer anniversary every year, and Marleh would be the first one to wake up and say, ‘This is your day, Mom!'”
Mady Lehmann has been balancing law school at the University of Wisconsin as she’s developed the clothing line to honor her sister, WTMJ reported.
“This clothing brand has definitely been therapeutic for me,” she said. “I put all my time and energy into it. It keeps me busy and it’s just been a great way to spread her love and keep her in remembrance.
“Marley wasn’t the straight-A student or varsity on any team,” Mady added. “But she was an inclusion, caring, kind and funny person. So we’re trying to give a scholarship to a student, a high-school student that most likely wouldn’t be able to financially afford college.”
More information about the clothing and scholarship effort can be found at https://straightup.commonsku.com/shop/61dba9d5-971b-41a0-9a37-c8a274dbf104
WTMJ’s video report on the Lehmann family can be viewed at https://www.tmj4.com/news/local-news/local-family-turns-tragedy-into-mission-with-no-worries-none-clothing-line
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