The Directory contains a comprehensive list of the more than 350 members of the organization.
The primary industry source for finding contact information for golf course builders and suppliers is being shipped to Golf Course Builders Association of America (GCBAA) members this month.
The GCBAA’s 2011 Membership Directory contains a comprehensive list of the more than 350 members of the organization including national and international builders and suppliers. The directory is neatly segmented by membership type for easy reference.
Another feature of the directory is a comprehensive reference section including allied associations in the golf industry, equivalents, formulas and estimations related to golf course construction.
All GCBAA members were mailed an initial 2011 membership directory free of charge. Members can purchase additional directories for $50 apiece. The directory is available to non-members for $100 by contacting the GCBAA office at 402-476-4444 or through the GCBAA online store at
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